Product Stewardship
One of the most important requirements placed on the chemical industry by its stakeholders is that all substances be produced, handled and used not only in conformity with the law but also under safe conditions. Evonik regards this as self-evident and no less than its duty.

The challenge for us lies in going beyond statutory requirements in many cases. Evonik makes a commitment to this in its globally applicable Environment, Safety, Health, and Quality (ESHQ) Values and sees product stewardship as one of the requirements of the Responsible Care initiative.
Product safety has top priority at Evonik. We bear responsibility for this and for the quality of our products over their entire lifespan ("from the cradle to the grave").
Within the scope of our tried-and-tested Chemicals Management System we are implementing the objectives of the Global Product Strategy (GPS) of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), among other things. This program aims to set global standards for product stewardship and extensively communicate information on the safe handling and use of chemical substances, thus ensuring greater chemical safety worldwide. Also worthy of mention in this context are the GPS Safety Summaries, which provide condensed information on substances in layman's terms. Evonik has already made more than 150 of these available both on its website and on the ICCA's information portal. They now include over 3,400 entries. In addition to this information on substances, we supply our customers with technical data sheets, product information, and safety data sheets on the products we sell in over 31 languages.
Our hotlines are manned around the clock and provide emergency information in the local language within a very short period of time.
The Evonik address has made it possible to process all customer inquiries centrally and forward them promptly to the right contact.

Verband der Chemischen Industrie (german)



The Long-range Research Initiative