Initiatives in Japan
Evonik accepts its responsibility - for the business, the employees and society.

Chemical Experiment Show
To convey the joy of chemistry to children, volunteers
from our employees conduct chemical experiment shows at schools and children’s associations near Evonik Group business sites and plants in Japan. Since 011, Evonik has worked in conjunction with international NGO “Save the Children Japan” to hold the chemical experiment shows for children in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Construction of Nursery
The Evonik Group in Japan and Save the Children Japan
cooperated on a project to construct a new nursery, due to the relocation of the Yamotohigashi nursery in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi, which was damaged in the Great East Japan Earthquake. Construction was completed in October 01 , and as the largest daycare facility in Higashimatsushima, it is contributing to the reorganization of the city’s day-care centers and helping to improve the childcare environment.

Communication with Regional Communities
Evonik seeks to communicate with members of local communities by taking part in events such as festivals and holding session for information exchanges. We are also actively engaged in chemical experiment shows at nearby schools, which we regard as a part of activities to communicate with local neighborhoods.